
Rotary is an international network of volunteers who give their time and talent in the name of the most humanitarian projects in the world. Rotary connects 1.2 million members from over 200 countries and geographic areas. The work of Rotary clubs influences the lives of people on a local and international level from the help that clubs give to families in need in their communities to fight a polio-free world.
Who are Rotarians: Rotary brings together those people who are involved in issues that are important to local communities around the world. Rotary members are professionals from different spheres: doctors, artists, small business owners and non-working parents, and others. They all call themselves Rotarians. Rotary unites these unique views and encourages the professional improvement of its members all over the world.
Where: From Haiti and Greenland to Nigeria and Singapore, Rotary brings together a truly broad circle of leaders from around the world. Currently, the largest number of clubs from the United States, India, Japan and Brazil. Among the most rapidly developing regions of Rotary are Southeast Asia and Africa.
What: Rotarians devote their time, energy and passion to sustainable and long-lasting projects in local communities around the world. Projects address important issues such as peace and conflict resolution, prevention and treatment of diseases, water and hygiene, children and mother health, basic education and literacy, and the development of the economy and the community.
Elimination of childhood paralysis: Rotary is close to defeating the second disease in smallpox history, with a 99% reduction in childhood paralysis worldwide since 1985 when Rotary establishes PolioPlus (PolioPlus) program.
In 1988, Rotary headed the creation of a Global Initiative for the Eradication of Children’s Pain with its World Health Organization partners, UNICEF and US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The removal of childhood paralysis remains a major goal for Rotary. To date, Rotary has made $ 1.2 billion in contributions and countless volunteer hours to support childhood paralysis of more than 2 billion children in 122 countries.
Currently, Rotary is working to collect $ 35 million a year by 2018. for the removal of 2: 1 child cohort with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (
Rotary has expanded into two youth programs:
Interact: Youth Program, set up and sponsored by Rotary clubs, for young people between 12 and 18 years of age. There are more than 12,300 Interact clubs in 133 countries.
Rotaract: A youth program set up by Rotary, which promotes the leadership, professional development of young people between 18 and 30 years of age. There are more than 8,000 Rotary clubs in 167 countries.
Public Rotary Corps (RPC): Groups of non-Rotary people who work to improve their communities. There are more than 7,500 hulls in 80 countries, all of which are established and sponsored by Rotary clubs.
Purpose of Rotary
The purpose of Rotary was established in 1910. and adapted over the years. The aim is to promote and develop the ideal of service of society as a basis for a worthy undertaking and, in particular, to promote and educate:
- Making acquaintances as an opportunity to be useful and serve;
- High ethical norms in business and the profession, recognition of the importance of any useful occupation, and the desire of each Rotarian to defend the name of his profession and to serve society;
- Practical implementation of the ideal for service in the private life, business, and social life of each Rotarian;
- International Understanding, Good Will and Peace through friendship of professionals from around the world, united by the ideal of service to society.
Avenue of Service
Based on Rotary’s goal, the four avenues (s) of service are the philosophical basis of the organization and the foundation on which club activity is performed:
- Club Service focuses on strengthening friendship and ensuring effective club performance;
- The professional service encourages Rotarians to serve others through their professions and to apply high ethical standards.
- The Public Service includes the club’s projects and activities to improve community life.
- The International Service covers the actions taken to expand Rotary’s humanitarian work around the world and promote world understanding and peace.
Four-way test
The four-way test that Rotarians adhere to in their business and professional life was created by Rotarian Herbert J. Taylor in 1932. Translated into more than 100 languages.
Four-way test of what we think, say, or do
- Is that the truth?
- Is it fair to everyone who affects it?
- Will it create goodwill and better friendships?
- Will it be of benefit to all who affect it?