The meeting was held on a significant date – the day of the Union (September 6, 2019) as another proof that Rotary brings together, not divides people, nations and cultures. Special guests were ADG , business representatives in the city and Mithat Socuoglu District Representative in charge of the Rotary Foundation for District 2440.
The event was started by the President of the Rotary Club of Kusadasi – Murat Oral.
Welcoming speeches were read, future relations were discussed and a Certificate of Recognition for twinning between the two clubs was signed.
The members of RC Sofia-Balkan were invited by their Turkish friends to their annual event – a visit to the artificial reef made by the launched Airbus A300, which on the one hand preserves the ecosystem and on the other is used as an attraction for tourism.
Mithat Socuoglu presented the possibilities for managing global grants in an international network of small and medium-sized clubs. The project for a global grant of RC Sofia-Balkan together with the Mother Dear Foundation – “Breaking the Circle of Poverty for Mothers of Children with Disabilities in Bulgaria” was discussed and what are the possibilities for including more clubs in it, which would lead to much easier to implement.
The representatives of RC Sofia-Balkan met with another interesting person – the representative of the Rotary Youth Exchange Program (RYE) Julia Casagradne from District 4640 – Realeza rotary Club, which will be 1 year in Turkey. The age limit for this program is 15-19 years, and it is sponsored by Rotary clubs in over 100 countries.
In order to be included in this program, a student must take tests in the relevant language and must obtain the approval of the host country. Long-term programs are extremely attractive and support all over the world.
Julia shared especially for us:
“My name is Julia Casagranda and I am 17 years old. I live in the state of Parana, Brazil, in the south of the country.
Last year I decided to try to participate in the youth exchange program to learn a new language for me and to get to know a different culture, and my dream came true with excellent test results and subsequent approval of my application. I chose Turkey because of its ancient history and rich culture. My sponsor club is Realeza Rotary Club, and the host club: Kuşadasi Rotary Club.
I chose RYEP because this Rotary International program provides great opportunities for many young people between the ages of 15 and 19 to travel abroad, to explore the world, to live in a completely different environment. Through the program we learn to deal with difficult situations in which to make independent decisions. We develop our leadership skills, learn foreign languages, which helps to increase our qualification level in connection with our future job search. In addition, we learn about the way of life and culture of our hosts, live with the problems of their communities, learn from the decisions they make, all of which contribute to understanding between people around the world and imposing goodwill and examples that Rotary International follows. . ”
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